Sometimes you've some significant process is going on your pc and you are busy on you work. To make things easier all you have to do is your sluggish pc to automatically turn off itself. To do this you have to follow this simple steps I am providing it you. There are different methods we can able to perform this steps. Methods 1: Run Method 1) Open the run dialogue box by pressing windows + R button. 2) Now, type 'Shutdown -s -f -t 3600' in the open field of the textbox and hit enter button. Now, you should see a notification near 'Taskbar ' on your desktop, alerting that windows will shutdown in 60 minutes i.e 3600 seconds. You can modify '3600' in the command as per your need. In the command, -s stand for 'Shutdown', -f for forceful termination of the running applications without forewarning the users', -t for time in seconds ' and these parameters in the command may be arranged in any random order. Methods 2: Command prompt/CMD Me...
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